Dave’s Keystone Agenda to Reclaim America

Ideas and leadership matters—and in this crucial moment, Washington is short on both.

Over the course of this campaign, Dave is laying out his Keystone Agenda to Reclaim America, outlining the most important challenges facing Pennsylvania and the nation and what we can do about them.

  • Confronting China
  • Unleashing PA Energy
  • Shaking up Washington
  • Supporting Families
  • Lowering costs
  • Strengthening defense

PART ONE: Ending China’s Free Ride with Six Bans

China poses the gravest threat to our security and well-being since the end of World War II, and our nation’s leaders — including career politicians like Senator Bob Casey — have gotten China wrong for more than two decades.

We are in a contest for our prosperity, our security, our values — our very way of life. If we lose, we sacrifice the future long-promised to my daughters and their children.

Casey has been in Washington since 2007 and has had every opportunity to exercise leadership on behalf of Pennsylvanians to address this significant and growing threat. Instead, he has been a rubber stamp for policies that have weakened America and made us more dependent on China.

Dave has a plan to fortify American military and economic strength, thwart China’s aggressive ambitions and protect the homeland through six bans to end China’s free ride.

PART TWO: Making Pennsylvania and America Energy Superpowers

If there was one thing we could do to unlock a bright economic future for Pennsylvania, unleashing the commonwealth’s natural resources would be it.

The only thing stopping Pennsylvania from becoming an energy superpower is red tape, backward thinking, and Washington bureaucrats like Senator Bob Casey and President Joe Biden. They are pursuing an anti-fossil fuel agenda that constrains energy production and infrastructure, raises costs, makes us more dependent on the Chinese Communist Party, and kills manufacturing jobs.

Dave believes we need leaders who will reject this agenda and the radical environmental groups behind it and instead prioritize America’s energy future.

Based on his experience as a job creator and a government official who advanced America’s energy security, Dave has a three-step plan to achieve American energy dominance by tapping into Pennsylvania’s abundant natural resources. We can do this while still protecting the environment and making the country the leader in clean energy technology.

PART THREE: Shaking Up Washington

Washington D.C. today is broken. Millions of families across our Commonwealth know it, and so does Dave.. Senator Bob Casey is a career politician who has been in Washington for 18 years. He has had his chance to confront these problems. He hasn’t, and just look at the results. He must be replaced in November.

Dave learned over more than 20 years in the private sector as a business leader that driving fundamental change requires taking on root causes, in this case three sources of the current stagnation in Washington: changing the culture in the capital, taking on an entrenched bureaucracy that resists change, and fixing misguided incentives.

This is Dave’s three-part plan to take on the culture of Washington, rein in federal overreach, and improve Congress to make our government work for you, the American people.

PART FOUR: A Pro-Family Agenda for Pennsylvania and America

At their best, families are the core of our lives — and the core of our nation. They are what a great writer called the “little platoons” that shape who we are and give us a sense of meaning. They are our home and the foundation of our communities. They prepare each generation of Americans for their futures.

For far too long, career politicians in Washington have made life harder, not easier, for working families in Pennsylvania and across the country. Under the watch of President Joe Biden and Pennsylvania’s liberal Senator, Bob Casey, these problems are getting worse, not better.

Dave’s pro-family agenda highlights problems facing American families at every stage of life, from pregnancy to childhood, adulthood, and retirement, and lays out four priorities for families that he will prioritize as Pennsylvania’s next Senator.

PART FIVE: Lowering Costs for Pennsylvanians

Coming soon!

PART SIX: Strengthening Our National Defense

Coming soon!