McCormick Visits Southern Border to See Impact of Biden, Casey Failures
PITTSBURGH, PA. — Dave McCormick, a combat veteran and Pennsylvania job creator who served in the highest levels of government, visited the southern border this weekend to witness the impacts of Joe Biden and Bob Casey’s failure to enforce our nation’s immigration laws.
Here’s what Dave witnessed. Raw video is available for use here.
The fentanyl murdering Pennsylvanians is flooding across our wide-open southern border.
Bob Casey and Joe Biden are responsible for this catastrophe.
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Over 160 terrorists crossed our southern border last year alone.
Yet, Joe Biden and Bob Casey refuse to fix the massive national security crisis they created.
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The Biden Administration has lost track of 85,000 migrant children who’ve come across the border in the last three years.
That’s just one of the shocking facts I learned today at the Yuma Regional Medical Center and from Amberly’s Place, a nonprofit focused on helping women and children in distress.
The human exploitation happening at the open border is horrifying.

I’m walking along the border in Yuma and behind me are the materials to complete the wall.
Joe Biden STOPPED construction of the wall despite taxpayers already paying for the materials and the labor.
This is an egregious waste of taxpayer money while our border is wide-open.
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Back home in Pittsburgh and reflecting on what I saw at our southern border.
It’s a tragedy, and the human suffering is horrific.
This disaster is a direct result of Joe Biden and Bob Casey’s failed leadership. It must end.
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